3 min read

What is VS-NfD?

“Classified information - for official use only (VS-NfD)” is the lowest classification level within the German classified information regulations (GSO).

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“Classified information - for official use only (VS-NfD)” is the lowest classification level within the German Classified Information Regulation (GSO). Information with this classification is not intended for the public, but in contrast to strictly confidential information may be viewed by all government employees in the course of their official duties.

Important Aspects of VS-NfD

  • Access: VS-NfD information is accessible to all employees of a public authority in the course of their official duties.
  • No confidentiality procedure: Unlike higher classification levels, VS-NfD does not require a formal classification procedure.
  • Marking: VS-NfD documents must nevertheless be stamped or printed with the marking “VS-NUR FÜR DEN DIENSTGEBUCH”.
  • Obligation: Persons who receive access to classified NfD information must nevertheless be obliged to comply with the confidentiality provisions.
  • Need for protection: Classification as classified NfD means that although the information is not top secret, it is still in need of protection. Unauthorized access could be detrimental to the interests or reputation of the Federal Republic of Germany or one of its states.
  • Release: VS-NfD information is automatically released after 30 years, unless otherwise specified.

The Classification Levels in Germany

  1. TOP SECRET (str. geh.)
  • Description: The highest classification level. Information assigned to this level would endanger the existence of the Federal Republic of Germany or one of its states if it were disclosed to unauthorized persons.
  • Example: State security plans, nuclear weapons secrets, identities of secret agents.
  1. SECRET (geh.)
  • Description: Information which, if disclosed to unauthorized persons, could endanger the security of the Federal Republic of Germany or one of its countries or cause serious damage to its interests or reputation.
  • Example: Military strategies, diplomatic negotiations, research work with high technological potential.


  • Description: Information which, if disclosed to unauthorized persons, could be harmful to the interests or reputation of the Federal Republic of Germany or one of its countries.
  • Example: Personnel information of government employees, economic data of sensitive companies, drafts of new laws.
  1. classified information for official use only (VS-NfD)
  • Description: The lowest classification level. Information assigned to this level is not top secret, but still requires protection. Unauthorized disclosure could be detrimental to the interests or reputation of the Federal Republic of * Germany or one of its states.
  • Example: Internal working papers of authorities, statistics on crime rates, drafts of public tenders.


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