ISMSJan Kahmen2 min read

What is the Difference Between the EU GDPR and NIS 2?

In summary, it can be said that NIS 2 and the EU GDPR both contain measures to protect data, but with different focuses.

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The difference between the NIS 2 and the EU GDPR lies firstly in the nature of the legislation. While the EU GDPR is a regulation and is therefore directly applicable to all companies in the EU, the NIS 2 is a directive that must be transposed into national law by the individual EU member states.

Another important difference lies in the scope of application. While the NIS 2 mainly applies to companies and organizations that are considered essential and important entities, the EU GDPR is applicable to all companies and organizations that process personal data.

There are also differences in terms of data protection. The NIS 2 focuses on the implementation of cybersecurity measures in all areas of an organization, while the EU GDPR focuses specifically on the protection of personal data and also includes a legal aspect.

Another key difference is the effective date. The NIS 2 does not come into force until October 18, 2024, while the EU GDPR has been fully applicable since May 25, 2018.

In summary, it can be said that NIS 2 and the EU GDPR both contain measures for the protection of data, but with different focuses and areas of application. While NIS 2 focuses on general cybersecurity, the EU GDPR places particular emphasis on the protection of personal data and has already been in force for several years. Companies and organizations should therefore familiarize themselves with both regulations and ensure that they meet the requirements of both.


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