ISMSJan Kahmen3 min read

The Relationship Between NIS 2 and ISO 27001

The NIS2 directive and ISO 27001:2022 aim to improve information security in organizations.

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The NIS2 Directive (Network and Information Security Directive) is an EU directive that aims to strengthen cyber security in the EU. It defines minimum security requirements for operators of essential services and digital service providers. ISO 27001:2022, on the other hand, is an international standard for information security management systems, which helps organizations to securely manage their information and information The NIS2 Directive, also known as the Network and Information Security Directive, is an EU directive that aims to strengthen cybersecurity in the EU. It defines minimum security requirements for operators of essential services and digital service providers. In contrast, ISO 27001:2022 is an international standard that helps organizations protect their sensitive information and data.

A comparison of the two standards shows that the NIS2 directive includes specific requirements for operators of essential services and digital service providers, while ISO 27001:2022 defines more general requirements for information security management systems that are applicable to all types of organizations. Both standards have the common goal of ensuring the security of information and data, but with different focuses and areas of application.

The NIS2 directive and ISO 27001:2022 aim to improve information security in organizations. Some requirements from the NIS2 guideline that may correspond to requirements from ISO 27001:2022 are, for example

  1. the requirement for risk assessment and risk management: both guidelines require organizations to identify, assess and respond appropriately to risks in order to ensure the continuity of their services and the integrity of their data.
  2. the requirement to regularly review and update security measures: Both the NIS2 directive and ISO 27001:2022 state that organizations must regularly review, update and improve their security measures to keep pace with changing threats and risks.
  3. the requirement to comply with legal and regulatory requirements: Both guidelines stipulate that organizations must comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements in the area of information security in order to protect the confidentiality, availability and integrity of their data.

These are just a few examples, but there is further overlap between the NIS2 directive and ISO 27001:2022. It is important for organizations to consider both standards and implement integrated security measures to effectively ensure information security.

Although the NIS2 guideline does not stipulate a direct obligation to implement ISO 27001, it mentions the ISO/IEC 27000 series in the preamble as a way to implement cybersecurity risk management measures and also emphasizes the importance of applying international standards in the main body.

Upon closer comparison, it becomes clear that ISO 27001 provides a useful framework for meeting the cybersecurity risk management measures required by the NIS2 Directive. It provides clear guidelines for the definition of the risk management process, the combined application of technical measures with training and other personnel aspects, and the involvement of top management.


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