ISMSJan Kahmen5 min read

BSI - CyberRiskCheck According to DIN SPEC 27076

DIN SPEC 27076 offers a standardized process, the so-called cyber risk check, which enables service providers to assess IT security.

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DIN SPEC 27076]( is a German specification that was developed specifically for IT security consulting for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It offers a standardized process, the so-called "CyberRiskCheck ”, which enables external service providers to systematically assess the IT security of a company.

What does DIN SPEC 27076 Contain?

  • Standardized consulting process: The specification defines a clear process for IT security consulting.
  • Cyber risk check: The focus is on a questionnaire that makes it possible to identify weaknesses in a company's IT security. The questions are formulated in such a way that they can also be understood by less tech-savvy entrepreneurs.
  • Recommendations for action: On completion of the check, the company receives specific recommendations on how it can improve its IT security.

Why is DIN SPEC 27076 Important?

  • Protection against cyber attacks: By identifying vulnerabilities at an early stage, companies can take targeted measures to protect themselves from cyber attacks.
  • Funding: The implementation of a cyber risk check in accordance with DIN SPEC 27076 is often subsidized by the state, which reduces costs for companies.
  • Transparency: The standardized process ensures transparency and comparability of the results of different IT security consultations.

Who is DIN SPEC 27076 Relevant for?

  • SMEs: Small and medium-sized enterprises in particular benefit from DIN SPEC 27076, as they often do not have their own IT security departments.
  • IT security service providers: Service providers can use the specification to offer their customers a professional and standardized service.

Implementation of CyberRiskCheck (BSI) According to DIN SPEC 27076

A CyberRiskCheck according to DIN SPEC 27076 is a structured process that aims to assess the IT security of a company, especially SMEs. Here is a typical procedure:

1. Preparation:

  • Selection of a service provider: the company selects a certified service provider who can carry out the CyberRiskCheck.
  • Preliminary information: The service provider collects basic information about the company, such as size, industry, IT infrastructure and security measures already in place.

2. Implementation:

  • Interview: An experienced consultant conducts an in-depth interview with the relevant contacts in the company. Around 27 questions are asked on various IT security topics. These questions cover areas such as organization, identity management, data security, protection against malware and IT systems.
  • Documentation: The answers to the questions are documented to enable an objective evaluation.

3. Evaluation:

  • Evaluation: The consultant evaluates the information collected using an evaluation system defined in DIN SPEC 27076.
  • Identification of weaknesses: Based on the evaluation, the weak points in the company's IT security are identified.

4. Presentation of Results:

  • Preparation of a report: the service provider prepares a comprehensive report detailing the results of the check.
  • Recommendations for action: The report contains specific recommendations for action to address the identified vulnerabilities and improve IT security.

5 Implementation:

  • Prioritization: the company prioritizes the recommendations for action and draws up an implementation plan.
  • Measures: The recommended measures are implemented step by step.

Why is DIN SPEC 27076 so Suitable for Beginners?

The CyberRiskCheck can serve as a basis for the introduction of a more comprehensive information security management system.

  • Low entry hurdle: The CyberRiskCheck is relatively easy to perform and does not require in-depth IT knowledge.
  • Quick results: The results of the check are usually available quickly, allowing companies to take action quickly.
  • Cost optimization: By focusing on the most important security aspects for SMEs, companies can save costs.


The DIN SPEC 27076, also known as the Cyber Risk Check, is a first step for SMEs to improve their IT security. It offers a structured approach, is easy to understand and provides concrete recommendations for action. By carrying out a cyber risk check, companies can strengthen their IT security and better protect themselves against cyber attacks.


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