Live hacking

Most people associate hacking with dark rooms and shady characters. Live hacking is a different story. Here, security researchers demonstrate how a black hat hacker is able to exploit existing security vulnerabilities. The aim of this project is to make the public aware of how systems can be sabotaged and sensitive data can be spied on.



Explanation & Definition

What is live Hacking Anyway?

During live hacking, an expert sensitizes his audience to otherwise very abstract areas of IT security. After all, in IT, hacking is a permanent threat that affects all areas of business. Unlike a Black Hat, an Ethical Hacker does not exploit the vulnerabilities revealed. Rather, the aim is to increase general IT security, including cloud security.

Live Hacking Attacks Explained in an Understandable Way

Three Examples of live Hacking Attacks

Cyber attacks are now commonplace, although they can be kept to a minimum through targeted pentesting. Nevertheless, there are certain hacking attacks that occur again and again. We would be happy to work out an individual scenario for you.

The manipulation of industrial equipment
The enormous opportunities offered by the Internet of Things enable cybercriminals to penetrate industrial plants. In doing so, they manipulate machines and tools, which is dangerous for them as well as for people. Even in environments that are generally considered secure, such manipulation is possible: after all, dual transport encryption, firewalls and intrusion detection systems are not insurmountable obstacles.
Hacking via the open WLAN network
Hackers use the Evil Twin method to obtain confidential data, passwords and even credit card numbers. To do this, a WLAN is set up in a public area that resembles the official network. Anyone who had already logged into the existing network then accesses the hacker's modified service.
Access to the company's internal system via social engineering
Besides pure phishing, social engineering is another popular method to obtain sensitive data. That is why Live Hacking also addresses this point. In such a scenario, an employee receives a deceptively genuine mail. This causes him to unknowingly infiltrate malware into the system.

One Step ahead of the Attacker

These are the Advantages of Live Hacking

Such a hacking event brings a clear advantage for companies: It helps to sensitize employees to the potential dangers. While regular training with regard to the General Data Protection Regulation is already mandatory, it is not very tangible. Especially for employees who do not work in the IT sector, cyber attacks are still too abstract a topic. Even when they have already been able to witness some attack simulations.

Sensitization of Employees
Live hacking helps to make employees aware of the potential dangers. Although regular training with regard to the General Data Protection Regulation is already mandatory, it is not very tangible.
Understanding Real Attackers
Especially for employees who do not work in the IT sector, cyber attacks are still too abstract a topic. Even if they have already witnessed a few attack simulations.
Here, on the other hand, it becomes quite clear how cyber security can be circumvented live and in color. This makes the danger more tangible for people and is later reflected in a higher security awareness.
Live hacking usually takes place as part of IT security events. They can also be found time and again at IT trade fairs, conferences and congresses. The reason for this is that they are a casual diversion and inspire the audience.

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